An evening of commedia
2019-20 youth Play Production
Facilitated by Bailey Yarkie and Emma Carter
october 2019 - april 2020
suncor energy centre for the performing arts
The script is devised from classic Commedia Dell’Arte plays, and the program is facilitated by Bailey Yarkie, with in-class support from Emma Carter, and outside class admin support from Theatre; Just Because. This year’s program runs October 27, 2019 - April 5, 2020. All instruction dates, rehearsals, and shows are at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts.
The Youth Play Production program is a 6 month long theatre education program that offers youth between the ages of 12 and 16 the opportunity to learn about the foundational components of theatre and performance. Every youth registered for the program receives a part in the production. If you are a youth is outside the age requirements for the program, please inquire with the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts about a possible referral.
The program features an emphasis on voice, movement, and text work built around a sustained rehearsal process aimed at building a full-length ensemble production. The primary focus of the program is to instill a sense of empowerment in the youth as they embark on the journey of discovering their voice will taking ownership of the story they are telling.
BAILEY YARKIE - lead Facilitator
Bailey has been involved with Theatre; Just Because as an actor and assistant director for the last three years. Bailey has appeared as an actor in The Awesome 80’s Prom, as well as Ahoy! A Pirate’s Life For Me! Last Year, Bailey had the absolute pleasure to join the youth play production team as assistant director for High School Horror Story, and is thrilled to be facilitating this year’s production! Outside of Theatre; Just Because, Bailey has filled numerous roles in other theatrical productions with Keyano Theatre, such as performing in Spoon River Anthology, and assistant stage managing Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii. Bailey has also worked on numerous independent projects for the ADFA, such as an actor in Not I!, and stage manager for the Myths and Bricks Project. Bailey has been working as a supervisor for Theatre Alberta’s Artstrek summer youth intensive for three years. Finally, during the day, Bailey is a grade 2 teacher at Dr. Clark school. Bailey is so honoured to be working with the talented and inspiring youth of Fort McMurray!
Emma Grace Carter is an interdisciplinary artist originally from Fort McMurray. Earlier this year she completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Victoria, where she double majored in Writing and Theatre. She is a published poet, playwright, and essayist and has won awards provincially for her theatre work and improv. In 2017, she was one of the RMWB’s Artists in Residence, where her work focused on the intersections of poetry and visual arts. She is also a dance teacher with the Fort McMurray Highland Dance Society. During the day she works as a digital marketing specialist with Balsom Communications. She’s thrilled to be assisting with TJB’s 2019 Youth Play Production, and can’t wait to get into the studio and have some fun!
Katerina Petukhova - Costume designer
Katerina has a MFA degree in theatre arts from Saint-Petersburg, Russia and she is creating the specific and unforgettable masks of the commedia style for the the program. She was also the mastermind and creator of A Knight to Remember dinner theatre (2018) costumes, props, puppets, lights, name it! Her work begins at the start of the production planning process and ends on opening night; she loves to create the design ideas. She also loves to play accordion and enjoys studying foreign languages. Katerina’s other projects inlcude her puppet company Pink Whale Theatre, and her art school Pink Whale Art.