The Youth Players program aims to create competency and confidence in up-and-coming youth theatre performers and to create an environment that contributes to the enrichment, growth and development of the theatre community. This five-month program gives young theatre artists the opportunity to develop and hone their theatre skills in a fun and safe environment. The program concludes with the presentation of a full theatre production featuring the participants of the program.

Since 2016, TJB has produced very successful Youth Players programs, which have been performed at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts and presented by the Friends of the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts using funds provided by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.


Youth Players 2024/2025

Tickets are now on sale for And Then, She Picks Up the Sword by Briandaniel Oglesby! Don’t miss this incredible show - join us on Saturday, April 5 at 2:00pm and 5:00pm at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts.



Youth Players is more exciting than ever this season, with our young artists learning everything they need to create their own theatre festival!

Youth Players returns, this year with an exciting twist! Students can expect a comprehensive theatre education as they build their own unique theatre festival! Our Youth Players will have the chance to select from a series of short, one-act plays and work together to cast, direct, stage manage, market, and produce the festival. They will be empowered to act as creative directors, supported every step of the way by program instructors Bailey Yarkie and Emma Carter.

The Youth Players program is hosted at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts and presented by the Friends of the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts (FoSECPA). This program gives new and experienced theatre artists the opportunity to develop and hone their skills in a fun and safe environment.

Youth Players is open to anyone ages 12-17. The program runs November-April, with the final festival performances on April 6th, 2024. Classes will be held twice weekly on Tuesdays and Sundays.

TJB is proud to offer Youth Players, the only program of its kind in Fort McMurray. Spots are limited, so don’t miss out! Registration opens on Tuesday, August 8th at 10:00AM.


Dolcevita or the clown chorus of the carnival del dolcevita proudly presents the sad tale of the turbinado triplets

Theatre; Just Because (TJB) was proud to produce the 2022-23 program hosted at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts and presented by the Friends of the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts (FoSECPA). This program gives new and experienced theatre artists the opportunity to develop and hone their skills in a fun and safe environment.

The 2022-23 Youth Players program provided a broad foundation of the various elements of theatre arts. Students received education in acting, directing, design, and technical theatre. This experiential education culminated in a final production of Dolcevita or The Clown Chorus of the Carnival del Dolcevita Proudly Presents the Sad Tale of the Turbinado Triplets by Briandaniel Oglesby.

About the play

When our story begins, the Turbinado triplets are already orphans. Zeppelin accident, you know. And now the clownish Chorus spins the sad tales of Amalia-Tamalia, Jayce-Marie, and Nic Turbinado, triplets separated to lead lives so different, it’s like they come from different eras.

A chance meeting at the carnival their parents used to work at starts a tradition of reuniting once a year – which is shattered when the differences between the siblings become too great to handle.

And for many years, the siblings live their own lives. Nic, whose impoverished life is like a roller coaster, grabs his boyfriend and hits the road – which hits back. Amalia, the invisible one, leaves her middle-class upbringing to embrace a life of con-artistry, falling in unrequited love with someone who wants to make history as a bank robber. Meanwhile, non-binary Jayce-Marie lives in the massive family estate that feels like the worst parts of a funhouse, eventually becoming the caretaker for the elderly family matriarch.

Click here for more information about Dolcevita


Almost, Maine

After being cut short due to COVID-19 in 2020, Theatre; Just Because is thrilled to revisit Almost, Maine by John Cariani for the 2021/2022 Youth Players program, hosted at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts and presented by the Friends of the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts. This program gives new and experienced theatre artists the opportunity to develop and hone their skills in a fun and safe environment.

The 2021/2022 TJB Youth Players program will provide a broad foundation of the various elements of theatre arts. Students will receive education in acting, directing, design, and technical theatre. This hands-on education will culminate in a final production of Almost, Maine by John Cariani. The script has been adapted to suit ages 12-16.

The 2021/2022 Youth Players will be performing Almost, Maine as a part of the 2022 Spring Arts Gala at SECPA! Join us on World Theatre Day (March 27) at 3:00pm and 7:00pm for Almost, Maine!

Purchase tickets to Almost, Maine!

View the programme for Almost, Maine!


Almost, Maine

Theatre; Just Because is once again proudly producing the 20120-21 program hosted at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts and presented by the Friends of the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts. This program gives new and experienced theatre artists the opportunity to develop and hone their skills in a fun and safe environment.

The 2020/2021 TJB Youth Players program will provide a broad foundation of the various elements of theatre arts. Students will receive education in acting, directing, design, and technical theatre. This experiential education will culminate in a final production of Almost, Maine by John Cariani. The script has been adapted to suit ages 12-16.

Registration now FULL! Click here for details


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An Evening of Commedia

The script was devised from classic Commedia Dell’Arte plays, and the program was facilitated by Bailey Yarkie, with in-class support from Emma Carter, and outside class admin support from Theatre; Just Because. This year’s program ran October 27, 2019 - April 5, 2020. All instruction dates, rehearsals, and shows were at the Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts.

The 2019/2020 performances of the YPP had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information, click HERE.

We hope to see our wonderful youth artists again for the 2020/2021 Youth Play Production (YPP)!


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High School Horror Story

To explore the oral tradition of story-telling, Theatre; Just Because is proud to present High School Horror Story. This new play was inspired by R.L. Stein’s Goosebumps book franchise, and the classic 1980s film The Breakfast Club.

High School Horror Story tells the story of a group of teenagers who are partners on a science project and find themselves locked in the school after hours on the night of a thunderstorm. To pass the time, the youths decide to tell each other scary stories to pass the time. With each story more elaborate after the other, the youth soon discover they have more in common than they realize.

For more information, click HERE.


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A Kid Summer Night’s Dream

Our 2017 - 2018 Youth Play Production was for youth in grades 6-9, and is a series of workshops and performances involving 14 young theatre artists. The goal was to mount an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The play’s adaptation was developed through a contemporization of the play’s text and themes, which was then further developed with the ensemble through improv­-based exercises.

Each participant played a role in the production — whether as an actor, an assistant stage manager, or backstage support.  Each role encouraged team work, education, exploration, and professionalism. Rehearsals will began with warm-up and dramaturgical activities, followed by traditional script and scene work. By incorporating these warm up and learning activities, we encouraged the importance of “process”, “play”, and “discovery” to theatrical work.

For more information, click HERE.


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Fantastic Mr Fox

Our 2016 - 2017 Youth Play Production Series offered positions for 25 young artists. Each participant played a role in the production — whether as an actor, an assistant stage manager, or backstage support.

Each role encouraged team work, education, exploration, and professionalism. Rehearsals began with one hour of warm-up activities and dramaturgical activities, followed by traditional script and scene work. By incorporating these warm up and learning activities, we are encouraged the importance of “process”, “play”, and “discovery” to theatrical work.

For more information, click HERE.