Bailey Yarkie


Bailey Yarkie is an educator and theatre artist in Wood Buffalo. She has received nominations for theatre awards by the ACWB, and is an advocate for arts and theatre in the community. Bailey has been involved with Theatre; Just Because as an actor and assistant director for the last four years. Bailey has appeared as an actor in The Awesome 80’s Prom, as well as Ahoy! A Pirate’s Life For Me! Bailey has also been a program coordinator for the Youth Players, Summer Camp Series, and Alberta Culture Days workshops with Theatre; Just Because.

Outside of Theatre; Just Because, Bailey has filled numerous roles in other theatrical productions with Keyano Theatre, such as performing in Spoon River Anthology, and assistant stage managing Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii. Bailey has also worked on independent projects for the ADFA, such as an actor in Not I, and Stage Manager for The Myths and Bricks Project. Bailey has many years of experience working as a supervisor for Theatre Alberta’s Artstrek summer youth intensive. Finally, during the day, Bailey is a teacher with the Fort McMurray Public School Division.
